Thanks to the experience at Air France, I had the chance to be initiated to best practises for Search Engine Optimisations (SEO). After having read several articles found inside the web, I decided to practise these new knowledge for the new website developed for Noëlie Serries, osteopath at Cannes La Bocca.

You can find below some examples of user experience improvements and search engine optimisations:

  • Performances improvement (use of browser cache and applicative cache, code minifier)
  • Website optimised for mobile and tablet
  • Improved HTML with semantic data
  • Links to social networks
  • Optimisation of search engines important content (canonical URL, meta, title and header tags)
  • Internationalisation

Link to the website of Noëlie Serries – Osteopath

Website of Noëlie Serries - Osteopath

Apart from my job, I like to go hiking and discover new landscapes and wildlife that I like to photograph with my digital SLR camera. I am also always interested and passionate about exploring new destinations and new countries.

During the various hikes or trips that I have made with my friends or with my Meetup group, I noticed that the pictures I took were only used for a short time before being archived in a directory that was almost never opened. Moreover, when some people asked me to recommend them, I thought it would be more convenient if I could show them the pictures I took on a map. The Photo Travel project was born.

The aim of Photo Travel is to display photos of trips, hiking and events on a map for people interested in a particular destination, a particular hike or a local event.

Link to Photo Travel.

Photo Travel

29/06/2010 Written by Cyril GRANDJEAN

Agora Immobilier has just changed design followed by the addition of new features such as the geo-localization of the possessions to be rented on Google Maps.

01/09/2009 Written by Cyril GRANDJEAN

During my work for the company Planet Bourgogne, I had to create an XLS file using PHP and MySQL. I’ve also discovered a PHP library for reading and writing XLSX files.

The format XLSX is supported by Excel 2007 and later. For the previous versions, it requires the installation of the following module :

Here are some lines of codes which are going to allow you to create your first file XLS by using PHP.

  1. Download and copy the library PHPExcel in your PHP Project
  2. Create a PHP file by using the following syntax :
/** Errors report */

/** Include path **/
set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . 'PHPExcel/Classes/');

/** PHPExcel */
include 'PHPExcel.php';

/** PHPExcel_Writer_Excel2007 */
include 'PHPExcel/Writer/Excel2007.php';

// Create new PHPExcel object
$objPHPExcel = new PHPExcel();

//We add contents
//Warning, a utf8_encode() is necessary for the character like 'é', 'è', ..
$objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('A1', 'Ligne 1 Colonne 1');
$objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('A2', utf8_encode('Durée'));

//Manage the size of the column

//Manage font style

//Make a border style

// Save our file xlsx
$objWriter = new PHPExcel_Writer_Excel2007($objPHPExcel);

This tutorial is only the bases necessary for the creation of a simple file XLSLX. For advanced used : click here.